Trading & Distribution Companies, Wholesale, Foreign and Online Trade
The tax specialists for trade and distribution
Over the last years, the internet has arguably affected few other industries as dramatically as trade. The industry is defined by new electronic sales channels, rapidly growing brands and an accelerating market consolidation and disruption. While traditional retailers face huge challenges as a result of changing distribution channels, market structures and business models, new businesses are presented with unprecedented opportunities.
Tax legislation is fraught with its own complexities that trading companies have to grapple with. Cross-border trade with its specific VAT regulations is just one of many examples.
We serve trading companies of varying sizes and legal forms in almost every sector with tailored advice while still keeping an eye on the bigger picture. As well as tax and company legislation, our focus therefore is also on business aspects, ensuring that we provide you with a comprehensive solution package. We are digital and we can help you take control of the data explosion.

Thorsten Schellenberg
Tax Consultant, Partner
Location Düsseldorf / Neuss, Cologne / Leverkusen
+49 (0) 2131 / 92 43 - 27

Thomas Schnettler
Tax Consultant, Partner
Location Düsseldorf / Neuss, Cologne / Leverkusen
+49 (0) 2131 / 9243 - 25

Volkher Schlegel
Tax Consultant, Partner
Location Düsseldorf / Neuss, Cologne / Leverkusen
+49 (0) 2131 9243 - 45